When to update your RPR in Edmonton

Real Property Report (RPR) updates may be necessary whenever you make any improvements or add anything to your property after creating an RPR. Regardless of the age of your current RPR or whether you or the previous property owner made the improvements, your RPR needs to accurately reflect all structures and improvements on the property. It’s worth noting, however, that not all property improvements or structures require an RPR update. So, when is an RPR update necessary in Edmonton?

When is an RPR Update Necessary?

RPR updates may be necessary whenever selling a property after an improvement has been made to the outside of the dwelling. Rather than go through the entire RPR land survey process all over again, RPR updates are simple procedures that add to your existing RPR. Some Improvements that might make an RPR update necessary include adding structures like fences or decks to a property, as well as certain objects like A/C units.

Always check with a qualified land survey company if you’re planning on putting your home on the market and aren’t sure whether you need an update. Any time and money you spend on a professional opinion will undoubtedly outweigh the risks of a last-minute, rushed update.

What Improvements Merit an RPR Update?

Put simply, an RPR update is necessary whenever you add any features or improvements to your property not shown on the original RPR. A few features that might merit an update include:

  • New Fences
  • Installed A/C units
  • New Decks or patios
  • Garages
  • Poured driveways, and sidewalks

Note: Its always best to reach out to a land surveyor regarding if its necesasry to update your RPR, or if you should complete a new one. City bylaws and regulations change over time, and receiving the most accurate information can save you time and money.

When Don’t You Need to Update Your RPR?

RPR updates aren’t always necessary, especially if you haven’t added any property improvements since obtaining your RPR. Moreover, RPR updates aren’t always necessary if your current one is only a couple of years old and all parties involved in the property transaction agree to use the existing report.

Certain improvements, especially movable ones, also don’t merit an RPR update, including:

  • Hot tubs
  • Patio stones and movable bricks
  • Window wells and small planters

If you haven’t made any major changes to your property since your last RPR, an RPR update may not be necessary.

How Do You Update Your RPR?

Being a legal document, RPRs can’t be updated by just anybody. In Alberta, and more specifically Edmonton, RPRs can only be updated by the land surveying company that completed the original RPR. Unfortunately, if the land surveying company that completed your original RPR is no longer in business, you’ll need to request a new RPR instead of an update.

Nevertheless, getting a new RPR done isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if your current one is more than a few years old since information requirements for RPRs have significantly increased in the past decade, and city of Edmonton bylaws and what is required to be shown on an RPR will likely have been updated since the date of your original RPR.

Arc Surveys offers a full range of land surveying services for clients of all sizes. If you need a new RPR or help updating your existing one, feel free to contact us at 780-800-1260 or contact us online for a free quote on any of our services.