How As built Surveys Are used for Development in Edmonton
In the evolving landscape of Edmonton’s construction and development, as-built surveys stand out as an indispensable tool. These detailed documents not only serve as a final check against original plans but also ensure that all aspects of a completed project align with local regulations and safety standards. n this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of as-built surveys, exploring their pivotal role in the development process within Edmonton, from ensuring zoning compliance to aiding future enhancements and expansions.
What is an As Built Survey? 
An as built survey is a detailed record of a construction project’s final outcome, capturing the exact dimensions and locations of all elements as constructed. These surveys are crucial because they provide a precise depiction of the finished project, comparing it to the original design plans to identify any deviations. This information is essential for maintaining accurate property records, facilitating future renovations / expansions, and ensuring that developments comply with local regulations and zoning laws.
What Information Does an As- Built Survey Include?
- Building Dimensions: Precise measurements of the entire structure, including length, width, height, floor-to-floor heights, and locations of walls, floors, windows, and doors.
- Site Features: Detailed measurements of property lines, setbacks, easements, driveways, parking areas, and any other relevant features on the site.
- Utilities: Locations of underground and above-ground utilities such as sewer lines, water lines, electrical conduits, and gas lines. This information is crucial for future maintenance and potential renovations.
- Deviations from Plans: The as-built survey may also highlight any deviations from the original construction plans. This can include dimension discrepancies or the presence of unauthorized structural elements.
The Impact of As-Built Surveys on Zoning and Permitting
As-built surveys themselves don’t directly determine zoning or the permitting process. Zoning regulations are established by the City of Edmonton and dictate what types of developments are allowed in specific areas. However, as-built surveys play a crucial role in ensuring a project adheres to these pre-defined zoning regulations.
The City of Edmonton utilizes as-built surveys to verify that a completed development complies with the zoning bylaws for the area. This includes aspects like building height, setbacks from property lines, and overall land use. As-built surveys become part of the permanent record for a property. When considering future development proposals for the same site, the city can reference the as-built data to understand existing structures, easements, and potential limitations imposed by the current development.
Benefits of As-Built Surveys for Edmonton Developments:
- Verification and Quality Control: As-built surveys act as a final check, ensuring that the constructed project adheres to the original design specifications. This verification process minimizes the risk of errors or deviations from the plan, preventing costly rework and delays on the project.
- Maintaining Accurate Records: The as-built survey becomes a permanent record of the completed project. This detailed documentation proves invaluable for future maintenance, renovations, or additions. It provides precise information on the location of utilities, easements, and structural elements, saving time and resources during future work.
- Facilitating Occupancy Permits: In Edmonton, obtaining an occupancy permit is a key step before a building can be occupied. As-built surveys are often a mandatory requirement for acquiring this permit. The city uses these surveys to verify compliance with building codes and zoning regulations.
- Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: As-built surveys promote clear communication and collaboration between everyone involved in a development project. Architects, engineers, contractors, and facility managers can all rely on the survey data to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the final structure.
- Improved Project Management: As-built surveys provide valuable insights for future projects. By analyzing deviations from the original plans, developers and builders can identify areas for improvement in the design or construction process. This knowledge can lead to more efficient and cost-effective projects in the future.
As Edmonton continues to grow and develop, as-built surveys will remain a vital tool for ensuring the successful completion of construction projects. By providing accurate and detailed records of completed structures, as-built surveys contribute to quality construction, efficient project management, and a safer built environment for Edmonton.
Here at Arc Surveys we work hard to ensure you get the documentation you need. For a FREE quote click Here! Give us a call at 780-800-1260 or send us an email, we’re always happy to help.