The following steps explain how to order a Real Property Report through Arc Surveys. Discover more about Real Property Reports here.

Step 1: You can contact us at 780-800-1260 or by submitting a RPR quote request online.

Step 2: Let us know the address of the property, your name and contact information as well as any questions or concerns you might have about the RPR.

Step 3: When you receive your free quote, let us know that you’d like to have Arc Surveys complete the Real Property Report for you. Our work will not start until we have received confirmation.

Step 4: When we have the required information and confirmation, the RPR is uploaded into our system and scheduled with one of our land surveyors. The surveying work will be completed on the outside of the property, so there is no requirement to be home.

What’s next?

Step 5: Once the field work is complete, data from the surveying crew is transferred to our office where a Real Property Report is prepared by our Drafters. We undertake this process in depth to develop a detailed and accurate property description.

Step 6: Upon completion of the RPR and inspection, it is ready to be submitted to the municipality for approval. Friendly Reminder: Real Property Reports should be completed as early in the property sale process as possible.  It can take weeks or even months for compliance to be received if encroachment or bylaw issues are found on the property. To learn more about the compliance process, please contact us.

Step 7: We have extensive experience with bylaws and encroachment issues at ARC surveys. Upon request, we can submit your RPR to the municipality on your behalf for an additional processing fee.


How will I know if my RPR received compliance?

When we receive the RPR from the municipality, we will contact you, notifying you of any Bylaw/Encroachment issues or if your RPR gained compliance.


Make sure you arrange your Real Property Report as early as possible, so that any concerns regarding the building, improvements, and rights-of-way can be resolved before the sale of the property.


We have also arranged some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) in relation to your Real Property Report.


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