Edmonton Property & Fence Line Surveys

A fence or retaining wall, whether on private property or in a community, is an essential part of the aesthetics and security of any property. Having a professional property line survey completed that shows the location of your property lines before building any of these structures will save you a lot of headaches and hassle down the road.

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real property report Edmonton Property Line Survey

There is a lot of room for error when building a fence or retaining wall and using an old fence as a reference can be highly inaccurate. You can easily find out where your property lines are by having a Land Surveyor mark your property lines for you.

Another option is to use a current or updated Real Property Report to determine your property’s boundary line. The RPR will accurately show the boundary line and will offer clear measurements from the property boundaries to the dwelling. Measuring off the distance from the dwelling to the property line will give you the location of your boundary lines. If you are not familiar with this method, you can contact us, and we can arrange for our Professional Land Surveyors to mark the property lines for you.

  • Two things to consider when building a fence or privacy screening are height and location. Both are regulated by the City of Edmonton through Zoning Bylaws. The City of Edmonton’s full list of regulations for fences and privacy walls can be found online here. The following are just a few of Edmonton’s most common fence building regulations regarding fence height:Per the City of Edmonton, the height of a fence, wall, gate or privacy screening (excluding vegetative screening) built on ground level should not exceed:
    • 2.0 metres (6 feet 7 inches) high in any portion of the rear yard or interior side yard
    • 1.3 metres (4 feet 3 inches) high in any portion of the front yard and/or flanking side yard (longer property line adjacent to the roadway)

    The height of privacy screening (excluding vegetative screening) built on a platform structure should not exceed:

    • 1.3 metres (4 feet 3 inches) high in any portion of the front yard, required side setback, or within 2.5 metres of a rear lot line
    • 2.0 metres (6 feet 7 inches) high in all other yards

    If your fence plans are higher than the zoning regulations, you will require a development permit from the City of Edmonton.\

Make sure your fence isn’t constructed on city property. In the future, having to remove a fence from city property will cost you a lot of money if you decide to sell the property. You can always check your latest Real Property Report to determine how much land the city owns in front and behind your home.

Always remember to check the most current Real Property Report to see where the fences are located before purchasing a new home. Are the fences on the property line? Or do they intrude into your neighbors’ backyard or onto city property? Either scenario can lead to trouble for you in the future. There is a possibility that the previous owner built their fence into the neighbor’s yard or even well within the property line, thus restricting your future use of your future property. Before you buy, ensure the current homeowners acknowledge this or make the necessary corrections needed.

Always make sure to locate the property lines accurately before you start building a fence. Whether you’re building it yourself or hiring a professional to do it for you, you will save yourself many headaches and costs in the future if you invest a little more time in planning your next fence build.

If there is any doubt about the fence location, we strong recommend getting a property line survey completed that marks out your property lines. In addition to eliminating uncertainty, you will also save the expenditures and hassle involved in moving the fence due to encroachments onto the property of the municipality or neighboring properties.

For the added level of assurance and peace of mind, please contact ARC Surveys to have a qualified Edmonton Land Surveyor establish your property boundaries.

Visit the link below for more tips on Property line Surveys.

Visit the link below for more information on Fence Construction within the City of Edmonton.